Monday, April 12, 2010

Moving on

With 19 school days left time is starting to drag. This past weekend We went to Savannah, Georgia. Home of Savannah College of Art and Design. For me at least, that is my new home. This is where We will be attending college starting this fall. School just doesn't even seem worth it anymore. What is high school? It's such a fake land, like "Life Miniature" or something. I have no ties here anymore. The routine of waking up, forcing your unwilling body to emerge from your warm bed, trying to motivate every step you take finally ending up at school, finding yourself late, moving throughout the day having looked at the clock 15,236,987 times just waiting for the final bell to ring. Leaving school you wonder why you even went in the first place. What did you learn? Who influenced you at all? Anyone? This mundane, rotating sequence of events is making my mind dizzy. The only thing I see now is my one way ticket out of here. Without interacting with many peers along the way I only have God to keep me going. I just grab his hand and he picks me up and tries to encourage my feet to move one in front of the other. It seriously is like a wobbly toddler trying to walk from one parent to the next across the living room floor.
Coming back from this tiring, yet rewarding weekend, I find myself set apart from my surroundings. Girls looking this way and that making sure there is at least one guy with an eye on her, the naive giggling and practically valley-girl talk, guys shoving each other into lockers running over unsuspecting freshman. The list goes on. I'm done with this. If only the people walking these halls could see themselves. Would they see what I see? Such a disregard for everything going on in our world. The world outside these walls mean practically nothing. They have prom to think about, and oh no I have a paper to write. Wake up. But it's not really their fault after all. Thirteen years, or slightly less have trained them up to be this way.
This blog was seriously to be made to procrastinate and highlight how bored we were. But after this weekend all I can do is look at that clock for the 15,236,988th time waiting for the bell to ring.