Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Soo, it's study hall. A time given to complete work. WRONG. A time to sit at a computer as we are doing now to pass the time away. We, I, and She have made this blog to make our last days in these halls a time to fly by. As seniors we officially done. Although we have been "done" for years, we can now put a name to it "senior slide". That sounds so weak compared to what really lies within our unwilling brains.

Some adjectives to give you an idea: bored, frustrated, fed-up, (this isn't an adjective per-say, but my book flew out of my locker and attacked me), this is how it went down- I approached the locker ready to dispose of any evidence of my last class, I tossed to book into my locker fully expecting it to lie flat amongst the only other book in there, when unexpectedly it bounced out of my locker with impressive height and speed and landed on my toe. That is my day. Luckily She was there to witness the fact that it was out to get me, and no, books don't just do that.

Now we are experiencing first hand, a shushing from our favorite Book Worm. She really motivates Us to keep moving forward... and we are sitting here contemplating whether signing in really is going to be a determining factor of the end of the world. With us sitting here at the computer, the end might be nearer than most expected. (Signing in: v. an act of writing your name on a piece of paper stating that you are in fact, the one sitting in full view of the librarian)

With the countdown still in full effect- we have 21 minutes of class left.
- 31 days until we say goodbye to this ol' place
- 23 days of school left
The countdown will be updated: our goal is May 7, if we make it there we can conquer anything.


  1. this is awesome. we rock. and now lets book it out of here 5 4 3 2 1 .... bc the bell rang and im on to the next one (class)

  2. hahahahha annette, what in the world!

  3. Well, it gets me through second period....

  4. The next post isn't as spastic
